Nowadays, companies and businesses value qualified employees. Having them is already a small step to success. However, the aforementioned staff does not come out of nowhere. And this is where the hero of this article, the recruiter, comes into action. We will dispel all doubts about this profession, the education needed (or not), earnings, duties and future prospects.

Who really is a recruiter?

The work of a recruiter usually begins in the human resources department of a company. This person is responsible for fishing out the real talent among the candidates for a given position, making sure that the recruitment process is fully professional. But not only that! Recruiting job might be more diffuse.

Man in a suit

What is the recruiter usually responsible for?

Recruitment job is not only about the recruitment process for future candidates. Responsibilities in this job also include:

  • conducting analyses regarding the company's current staffing needs,
  • setting rules regarding the recruitment process,
  • creating a silhouette of the "ideal candidate," that is, a person who meets the company's expectations,
  • creating advertisements, or searching for candidates using available sites like Linkedin,
  • selecting resumes that have found their way to the company's HR department,
  • conducting interviews with candidates according to established guidelines,
  • preparing reports and recommendations,
  • representing companies through the HR industry (trade shows).

As you can see, in this recruitment job description, the range of responsibilities is quite broad, and not as commonly believed. The whole range of responsibilities related not only to recruiting people, is a specialization of the recruiter's work, namely talent acquisition job/technology recruiters.

What about the degree?

A college degree is usually welcome but it is not so necessary for a job in recruitment. Of course, experience builds over time, which is normal, but the basics in recruitment processes are an absolute minimum. A minimal understanding of the IT department is also welcome. This is not hard-to-find knowledge, so starting from scratch is not bordering on impossible. An understanding of the local labor market, current needs, schemes and available resources is also an asset. Together with charisma, openness to people, we have the right qualities to dive into the world of HR and stay there for a long time.

As it turns out, one of the most in-demand industries, where we need staff recruited properly, is the IT department. Let's not kid ourselves, we are surrounded by technology all around us, so we need Smore and more people actively working in the profession. Sounds interesting, but basically research in terms of desirable qualities and skills will be the same as for other professions. IT Recruiters will not feel a huge difference if they have experience recruiting people for other industries and jobs.

How to become a recruiter?

Probably the most important. How do you look for a job in this industry? Working in an organization, a company, we will find a job just as we used to look for people. By sending a resume, or someone themselves will hear from us thanks to our profile on LinkedIn. Sometimes, recruiters are hired by temporary employment agencies, recruitment agencies or headhunting agencies (something like an employment agency). Everything is a result of what exactly our work will consist of.

 The recruiter is holding a pen. He signs the contract

Company or agency?

Today, the trends are different. Companies have the choice of dealing with recruitment on their own through their internal HR department, or enlisting the help of recruitment agencies. Then, the recruiter accepts the assignment to search for a candidate for the desired position, taking into account the needs and capabilities of the company. Thus, the choice of how to work is arbitrary, whether one delves into only one company or accepts individual assignments. Similarly, the job search for the position is done similarly, only we are the ones looking for an offer suitable for us.

Recruiter's job - earnings

Recruiters' salary might be the most interesting aspect if we don’t actually need a degree for that job. The success of many companies depends on the people who work there. In order to find such people, you need an HR department or an agency that takes care of this. Thanks to this, companies know that it makes no sense to save money on this, which is why a recruiter can earn up to €10,000 a month. For a job that doesn't require specific education, the salary of a recruiter is not so bad. Of course, this is a rate that we are able to achieve only after a specific job placement, acquiring experience over time. What is interesting, there is no big difference between salary for technical recruiter, talent acquisition or simply recruiter.

How much do recruiters make?

So basically, to ask, "how much do recruiters make," we don't have to worry about splitting it between the different branches of the recruiter's work, because in the material and financial situation there are not so dramatic changes. It all depends on where you work, whether it's an assignment/job for a small company or a giant, generating huge revenues.

What about LinkedIn?

Without a doubt, Linkedin is now a powerhouse among the search for employees, as well as the presentation of one's silhouette as a candidate. You probably wonder what recruiters on LinkedIn do. When a company is in need of a particular employee, a recruiter can announce that they are looking for someone with specific qualities for a particular position, or start looking among people advertising themselves as a specialist in a particular field. If someone attracts attention, the recruiter contacts such a person to make a job offer for the position. This is an incredible convenience and saves a lot of time for both parties. So basically, recruiting on LinkedIn is something for recruiters, who are decided on 100% who they want to find.

Now you know what phase recruiter means. As you can see, job recruiters might have an interesting job, and even better salary for that. Even without higher education, you are able to climb to the top of this profession to enjoy your accurate choices and good intuition about people that allow you to generate income for companies in the future, as well as the satisfaction of principals.

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