There are many business books to read on the market. Some of them are how-to guides, while others tell the story of how the world's biggest businesses came to be. In the book of business, you will find both how to proceed when planning your business, but also learn what to avoid. Below you will find a list of the best business books of all time.

“Shoe Dog” Phil Knight

“Shoe dog” is one of the business books to read that absolutely must be in your bookcase. This is a book about the history of Nike, told from the perspective of the co-founder himself. In it, you will find information about how one of the most popular sportswear brands was created, as well as how it came about and what hardships the founders had to face. Knight makes it clear that despite repeated failures and being one step away from the company's collapse, achieving success is possible.

The story told in this book can motivate you to action. It makes you realize that anyone can succeed, regardless of the point from which they start. “Shoe Dog” should not be regarded as a textbook that will show you how to build a business from scratch. Nevertheless, you will somehow experience what it's like to create something and strategize about business.

The “Shoe dog”is available on Amazon.

Business Books

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” is one of the best business books. More than 40 million copies of it have been sold worldwide. Kiyosaki's book talks about how to manage your money to gain the financial freedom you crave. You will learn how people who accumulate a fortune think. The author describes his childhood memories, showing the differences in upbringing in less and more affluent homes.

The author raises awareness of people's financial ignorance, motivates them to act, and teaches them about handling money. With this book, you will learn to pay attention to whether the assets you acquire will allow you to generate further income. This includes such things as buying a rental property, a car to work as a cab driver, securities or a business that generates passive income.

Rich dad poor dad” is also available on Amazon.

“No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention” Reed Hastings

From the title, you can infer that from this book you will learn the history of Netflix - one of the most popular streaming platforms. Nothing of the sort. Reed Hastings decided that he would make a kind of cultural experiment out of his company - there would be no rules in it. And the fantastic performance of the Netflix platform is proof that this strategy actually works.

It is a guidebook on management. Co-workers are a team, and you yourself should never try to please the boss. The knowledge it contains is thoughtful and structured. The most important elements from Netflix's rule are full openness and honesty, transparency and giving as much freedom as possible to industry leaders. Hastings himself believes that the greatest praise for a CEO is the day he doesn't have to do anything, because that means employees are operating at a high level.

From reading this book of business, you will learn what decisions influenced the Netflix CEO to abandon top-down management and why bureaucracy is unnecessary in many areas. Definitely “No Rules Rules: Netflix and the Culture of Reinvention” should be on your list of business books to read.

Click here to get this book.

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” Stephen R. Covey

From the title, you can infer that from this book you will learn the history of Netflix - one of the most popular streaming platforms. Nothing of the sort. Reed Hastings decided that he would make a kind of cultural experiment out of his company - there would be no rules in it. And the fantastic performance of the Netflix platform is proof that this strategy actually works.

In his book, Stephen R. Covey shows how to size your opportunities and turn them into changes. The audiobook version of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” became the first non-fiction book of its kind to achieve more than one million in sales. This makes it one of the best business books of all time.

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” organizes thinking about life and suggests how to develop the habits necessary for effective action. It will also show you how to manage time, how to delegate effectively, how to prioritize, how to negotiate or how to build relationships. You will easily translate the content in it into your own life, especially if you intend to work on your productivity.

Click here to buy on Amazon.

“Good to Great” Jim C. Collins

Jim C. Collins has created a book that will be ideal for both the entrepreneur and the individual. There he has described greatly the behavior of the boards of directors of both larger and smaller companies. “Good to Great” is considered a timeless book of business, so you don't have to worry about the fact that it was published in late 2001. You'll learn what common traits are shared by companies that have made the decision to get something moving and start moving in the direction they've set.

Collins shows that by combining, you miss opportunities that can give you the opportunity to be someone greater. Often we find that companies don't become great despite their innovative product, which they think could conquer the market. The companies that stand out are the ones that are able to change their management tactics, policies and thinking.

Of course, you can buy it on Amazon.

time to reading books

“Thinking, Fast and Slow” Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman is a psychologist and Nobel Prize winner. He used his knowledge of psychology to write “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, where he described a thesis regarding two ways of thinking. The first is emotional and intuitive. While the second is more thoughtful and follows logic. Kahneman shows what mistakes people make by following only this intuitive way of thinking. Using the knowledge in this book, you will learn to look at your actions not only through the prism of intuition, but also scientific knowledge.

“Thinking, Fast and Slow” can be considered a kind of bible of human thinking. It will show you when you should trust your intuition, and when it is better not to do so. You'll also find advice on how to harness the potential of free thinking, as well as tips and insights on choices in your professional and personal life. It is therefore an ideal book for someone who is looking for answers to the question of how to think so that the decisions you make are the best possible ones.

Click here to get book on Amazon

As you can see, there are many business books to read. The ones listed in this article are only a fraction of what the market is hiding. However, they are also the best business books, especially for a person who just wants to create his own business. One thing you can be sure of - despite the initial problems of earning money, one day you will achieve success.

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