Confidence can help you when seeking success in the workplace. However, some people may think, "I have no idea what I'm doing," and this feeling is often referred to as impostor syndrome. Knowing what impostor syndrome is, what causes it and how to overcome it can help you recognize it in yourself and work through it for continued success. In this article, we define impostor syndrome and help guide you through what to do if you're feeling lost at work.

What is impostor syndrome?

Impostor syndrome is the condition of not feeling competent enough for the job you have or not having earned your position at work. It is also the misunderstanding that those around you know what they're doing all of the time, that they are confident in being able to complete their tasks without feeling lost and that the best work can only be achieved by those who are always in control.

What to do when you're feeling lost at work

Luckily, there are things you can do to help regain your confidence and return your focus to your work:

1. Keep calm

When you're feeling lost at work, it is important to stay relaxed. Take a few minutes to get your thoughts organized, breathe and bring your focus back to the job you wish to accomplish. Meditation apps or short, periodic breaks can be a great way to clear your mind and return to work rejuvenated.

Related: How To De-Stress at Work

2. Remember your strengths

You were hired because there are things you do well. You may be a great writer, communicator, leader or marketer. Whatever your top skills are, your employer recognizes that, in at least some areas, you have abilities equal to or better than your coworkers. When your confidence is lacking, it can help to remind yourself what those abilities are. Here are some ways to remind yourself of your strengths:

  • Look through your previously completed work
  • Revisit the skills you listed on your resume
  • Look for patterns in projects your managers assign you

You chose the skills on your resume because you felt they had the best chance of getting you hired. As you look through your past work and revisit your resume, take special note of the things you hadn't realized you do well. Your managers may recognize these skills within you and assign you work to these strengths. If there are certain assignments they routinely give you, it's likely because they know they can trust you to do it correctly.

3. Embrace self-improvement

There may be aspects of your job that often leave you unsure of where to start. If there are any areas where you feel you can improve, take the time to learn to do them with confidence.This can be as easy as speaking with a colleague who you know is an expert at this skill. Ask them to define anything you don't understand, or have them talk you through their method for completing their tasks. You can also search online for articles, videos or web classes to further your education about a topic. If you can't afford an online course, try finding a free podcast or lecture.After you've found the information you need, try your new skill in your free time. You may find that with practice comes renewed confidence.

Related: How To Learn New Skills Quickly and Effectively Step by Step

4. Make a plan

Break your job down into smaller steps that bring you closer to your goal.Figuring out a step-by-step process before you begin a task or project can give you the confidence of knowing what function each step in your process serves. It also gives you a document to reference if you start feeling lost again. A plan can also remind you how many steps you already know how to do well and prepare you for those steps for which you may wish to seek help, giving you the confidence of knowing what to expect and when.

5. Learn from your co-workers

Observe the work your colleagues are doing. Pay attention to what they're doing that you admire, and do your best to do your work similarly. By trying to imitate successful work, you can teach yourself how to accomplish your tasks and find the confidence to finish your projects in the future.Watch the way your coworkers handle themselves, too. They're likely facing similar challenges and, by paying attention to them, you can learn methods of facing your own.

6. Practice resilience

If impostor syndrome is affecting your confidence to get a job done, one option is to simply work through it.Once you've recognized your strengths and made a plan of action, the next step to gaining renewed confidence is facing the challenge of meeting your goal. Use those strengths you now know you have to get through the easiest sections of your project first. Following your plan allows you to see yourself approaching closer to your end goal.If it helps, do a rough draft like you're playing the part of someone who knows what they're doing. This can help take the focus away from yourself and turn it back toward the job you're doing. Then, edit your work, taking note of areas that need the most improvement. This process helps you work in sections while still finishing your project and gives you points of focus for future projects.Once you've equipped yourself with the knowledge that you can do your work even when you are unsure of your abilities, you might find the courage to face your next challenge without feeling lost.

7. Trust yourself

Your experience has given you instincts that are probably telling you what you should do. Whether that's what your next step should be or that you should ask for help, those instincts are likely pointing you in the right direction.Try trusting yourself. If you're able to accomplish your goals after following your instincts, you can build more confidence in yourself moving forward to other projects.

8. Give yourself the chance to grow

View your lack of confidence as a challenge for you to overcome. If you work hard to confront it and still accomplish the things you need to get done on the job, you may become a more confident, experienced and dependable employee.

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