Negotiations in business are very important. Many people approach negotiations in a very negative way. Although we use them every day, many of us consider tactics for negotiation to be knowledge that only a small handful of people have access to.
However, not everyone knows what the definition of negotiation is. What, in fact, is it? What are the tactics for negotiation? You will find all the information below.
What is the definition of negotiation?
Most people unconsciously choose one of the schemes of action, but they don't know the definition of negotiation. Depending on the situation and the opposing party, they can be more or less effective. Negotiation skills are also useful if you want to negotiate salary.
It is important to remember that the parties seek to achieve the most favorable possible solution to a partial conflict of interest. At the same time, they must be aware of the partial community of interests.
Proven negotiation strategies
Knowing the definition of negotiation will certainly make it easier for you to negotiate yourself. There are five basic negotiation tactics. Among them are avoiding, adaptation, rivalry, cooperation and compromise. Each of them is different, and it is useful to know how they differ from each other.
Avoidance as one of the negotiating strategies is equivalent to bypassing points of dispute. By playing for time, you allow the issue to somehow resolve itself. It is also delaying making any decisions and relying on fate. Let chance decide for itself how things will turn out. However, such action usually results in delaying negotiations, which is not always a good option.
Works best when the subject of the negotiation is not important, and the potential agreement does not ensure the realization of interests at a level that would satisfy you. It will also be suitable for extinguishing emotions and increasing one's own strength through weakening.
Alignment involves sacrificing one's own interests in favor of the other party's needs. It involves risking large losses and yielding to the reasoning and decisions of the other party. You are then obliged to accept her proposals while having little initiative of your own. Even if you want to say no, you have to agree to the conditions set.
When you want a better relationship with your client, adaptation will be the best among negotiation strategies. It will allow you to maintain contact with the customer.
This strategy of negotiation is putting pressure on the negotiating partner, imposing one's will and seeking to win the talks. It often results from a misunderstanding of the counterparty's position. This can cause a lot of damage during the negotiation process.
When using this negotiating strategy, you must be prepared to be firm and not take no for an answer. Play an aggressive game to get your point across. This is due to the belief that the situation is of a win-lose nature. However, keep in mind that winning by way of competition can be effective short-term.
Use this strategy when you don't care about further contact with your partner. It will work, especially when you have a significant advantage over him.
Cooperation is respecting and taking into account both one's own position and that of one's partner. It means seeking mutually satisfactory solutions through thoughtful discussions. They are meant to lead to an understanding of the other party's motives and to solve as many problems as possible.
Cooperation can also mean both parties abandoning existing proposals in favor of seeking entirely new solutions. It is a good choice if you want to work with a negotiating partner in the future. It will also ensure integration of both parties. Keep it in mind, especially at the beginning of your own business.
Compromise as one of the negotiating tactics involves partially giving up one's ideas. The condition for this is that your opponent in negotiations does the same. It involves making the gains and losses equal for us and the negotiating partner. This strategy of negotiation by compromise satisfies each party in part, but never completely. It can resemble cooperation, but they are definitely different. Sometimes using these negotiation tactics is only a temporary solution. Sometimes it can be the only possible solution. Especially when relations between the parties are not good and agreement is not an option.
Using this negotiating tactic ensures a balance of power and the possibility of further interactions. It will work best when both parties are under time pressure and need to start working together immediately.
Principles of negotiations in business
Remember that just like everything else, negotiations also have certain rules. They all depend on what strategy of negotiation you choose. It will be different when negotiating softly, and different when your negotiations strategy is domination.
Soft negotiating strategy
If you want to increase your chances of success when using soft negotiation strategies, remember to give way first on minor issues, then on crucial ones. By doing so, you will not show your weaknesses. The concessions themselves should be small, because the very fact of making concessions is what counts. Other negotiating tips include that you should not give way first on the most important issues and that you should not give too much.
Negotiating tips for a dominant negotiator
When trying to dominate, you must realize that it is necessary to use threats skillfully. Present your threats, preferably in a weaker form. Use the art of persuasion, which is easier to accept.
Justify your ultimatum by showing that it is necessary for the situation. You must also be credible in what you say. Use exaggeration to show how ready you are to carry out your threat. This will reveal your determination.
Cooperative negotiations in business
On the other hand, when using cooperative tactics for negotiation, one of the negotiating tips is that you should clearly signal your intention to conduct it. Be sure to check whether the other party also has the same attitude. Adopt an attitude as if you want to solve the problem at hand, without judging the contract rigidly.The atmosphere you need to create is to be trusting and respectful. Avoid, if possible, reference to law, regulations or force. If you don't have to, don't object. The exchange of information must be sincere at all times. However, if the other party does not comply, gradually hold back.
Once you know the basics of negotiation, it will be much easier to get started. Remember that they can bring you a lot of benefits, but they can also bring you losses. Carefully choose negotiation tactics with negotiations definition in the back of your mind.