You made it! You have finally set up your own business! What's next? Of course, you will need new customers, which in the current job market can be quite difficult as competition in every industry is quite high. The value of the customer keeps getting higher all the time! So, how do you get your first customers? Also, not only getting customers is important. As much as you need to find them, the retention of customers is also very important. How do you do that? If you need help, you've come to the right place.

1. Use contacts to get customers

Firstly, you should definitely ask your friends and/or family for help. The idea here is not to make your loved ones your customers, but to pass the message on so that as many people as possible hear about your business. Referrals from friends are the most trusted, aren’t they?

customers - look for them thanks to your friends

2. Social media

Probably the most important thing these days! Where will you get better reach than online? For a new entrepreneur, or even companies that have been in the market for many years, social media accounts are an incredible opportunity for impressive growth. Having accounts on sites such as Facebook, Twitter or even Instagram as a business helps you reach people not just in your local area, but across the country and even abroad. However, it is very important to be as active on them as possible, as being active on social media significantly increases reach. You can try to get partnerships so that other companies with a larger reach help you by promoting on their pages, for example.

3. Website/blog

In addition to your social media profiles, you should also make sure to create your own website, or blog (you can of course combine these). Once you have set up a website for your business, make sure it is well positioned. SEO and SEM mechanisms, which are worth educating yourself about, will help you with this. A well-designed website and meaningful content is sure to bring great reach and help attract potential customer interest.

4. Recommendations

Ensure that you are being talked about - well, of course. Once you have acquired that first customer, do everything in your power to make them want to recommend you to others. Further referrals are the key to success! Also pay attention to the reviews on the Internet, because these days they are your business card.

you will find customers on the Internet

5. Think like your potential customer

Instead of thinking like a service provider, think like a service recipient. Remember how high the customer value is! What will help you reach them more than a good understanding of their needs? Reverse your thinking to better understand the needs and requirements of your future customer. For example, if you are a mechanic, think about how you would search for a mechanic as a customer with a damaged car. Would you look for one on the internet, or would you ask a friend for a recommendation? What would you type into a search engine to find a mechanic on the internet? What would you look out for when browsing their website or social media profile? What would most encourage you to use this exact mechanic’s services?

These are just a few examples of how to find first-time, or new customers. Customer acquisition can be difficult and time-consuming, so don't be put off too early if these basic steps don't have the desired effect straight away. Remember that a very important part of attracting a customer is your creativity, so don't be afraid to use it!

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