It used to be that working from home seemed to us something unattainable, inaccessible. As a post-covid society, we have accepted this work model and trying to get used to it, we try to find working at home tips. Most companies offer their employees a choice between working in the office or at home, some even impose such a system top-down. Working from home seems convenient and easy, but is it actually so? There are pitfalls lurking at home that affect our efficiency. Here are working from home tips on how to maximize your results!
Plan your day
Planner your day with Google Calendar! There are many options. Try to work standard hours each day. You don't have to get out of bed at the crack of dawn, but try to start in such a way that you don't waste the rest of the day finishing tasks set for the day. A checklist can help with this, preferably in sight at all times so that you can see how much you still have to do, and not procrastinate work indefinitely. If you plan your day carefully, you will avoid getting caught up in the whirlwind of work, by which you stop separating work from leisure time-one of the most important tips for working at home.
Schedule breaks, don't get distracted
The worst thing you can do is do a dozen things at once. Laundry, cleaning, cooking, a new Netflix series in the background. You lengthen your work day unnecessarily, you get distracted, and at 5pm you see that you still have a full task list. Just as it was mentioned above, planning your work day also means planning your breaks. Sometimes a simple walk to the kitchen for coffee and going to the balcony for a breath of fresh air can work wonders for working from home productivity!
Working from home tips-react quickly
Don't put off solving problems until later. This ensures some kind of fluidity and no backlog. Get an email or phone call from another employee? Respond right away, this way you are up-to-date with all events and situations in the company.
Workplace organization in remote working
If you are a freelancer, remember that purchasing the equipment you need for your work rests on your shoulders. Depending on your profession, you are the one who knows best what equipment you require. Ordinary office work only requires a simply powerful computer, not so in the case of a graphic designer, where the requirements are much higher.
If we do not have the opportunity to provide ourselves with a comfortable desk and chair, we should insist on it from our employer. When he employs us on a home office basis, he is obliged to provide us with appropriate working conditions.
This consists of a comfortable chair on which we will be able to work comfortably without harming our spine. In addition, a spacious office suited to our height, placed preferably by a window, with access to daylight. The ability to maintain a constant room temperature is also very important. A suitable lamp to illuminate the workspace, incredibly significant for long work in front of a computer.
As for placement in the house, preferably a separate room, preferably not the same place where we sleep. If we have other household members, separation from them for the duration of work is also incredibly essential. This is a comfort, as well as peace and quiet, and a guarantee against distraction.
Get your tools in order
In addition to your workspace and its order, it's significant to organize your equipment and workspace. Try to keep all your programs or company systems you use on your device organized. In addition to this, it's a good idea to install any apps that help you focus, organize incoming notifications.
In addition to this, documents you have in paper form. It's a good idea to stock up on something to drink and snack on, so you don't get distracted by going to the kitchen, where other household members may be. If your work is based on conversations, meetings, it's worth getting good headphones, preferably noise-canceling ones that provide adequate sound quality. Tip: take interest in having them possibly subsidized by your boss.
Productive work from home-dress code
You're probably wondering what this is all about. Home is usually our place to relax, that's how our brains are used to it. When our retreat suddenly becomes a place to work, a problem can arise. In addition to organizing the workplace, it's us that's important. We're not talking about getting ready like we're at the Academy Awards, just keep up the morning routine. A shower, an outfit, sometimes makeup. Working in a stretched out tracksuit or pajamas is less effective. Of course, this remains a matter of choice, but it is worth considering whether you want to blur the line between work and personal life. If you've never thought this way, it's worth considering in our list of remote work tips!!
Keep in touch with your team
Although we think that working from home, we are on a desert island. This is not true at all. Constant contact with your team is incredibly essential in terms of planning your day and setting boundaries. It is a good idea to communicate what hours we are available and what our responsibilities are. This way we will know who we can count on in the team, in the case of online meetings we will also be more informed.
Tips for remote working may seem quite trivial, but we have a hard time adjusting to them when we start our home office adventure. A few of the rules we have presented can definitely make life easier, maximize the results of work, and learn that remote working is all about being productive.